Whole30 First 10 Days: “Are You Kidding Me?”

Whole30 First 10 Days: “Are You Kidding Me?”

Day 10 is officially over. Let’s assess the damage.

Day 1: “Vegans have it so easy.”

Day 2: We went to happy hour, which was not the greatest idea in hindsight.

Day 3: “Venti pumpkin spice almond milk latte for free. Are you m************ kidding me?”

Day 4: “I wish we were allowed to have wine. I just feel like that’s unacceptable to take out of someone’s diet.”

Day 5: “I was just about to have a piece of bread. Who do I think I am?”

Day 6: “I cannot watch this. I will kill somebody.” [re: food video]

Day 7: “I think we should watch a Christmas movie tonight and also stop Whole30.”

Day 9: “Should we start smoking?”

Which brings us to today. Highlights include eating potato chips and french fries until I accidentally read in the book’s intro that you’re not supposed to because a) they’re deep fried in vegetable oil [OK fine, duh], and b) they’re “food with no brakes.” Lowlights include warm sauerkraut. Full stop. But, did you know that sauerkraut has almost zero calories?? Load up.

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